Welcome to the Just Action Journey!
Our climate is changing rapidly. Teachers want and need to teach their students how to respond to our uncertain future; how to change our world and eliminate poverty, hunger and inequality. But teachers need support to do this. We aim to provide that support. Our free-to-download resources will help primary and post-primary teachers in Norway, Ireland, Italy and Spain use global citizenship education (GCE), and equip students with the knowledge, values and skills to lead climate action. We know that teachers are busy, so our resources are designed to be as easy-to-use and accessible.

Here you will find the journeys we have prepared to help motivate your students to action as global citizens:
- The student’s journey: free resources for primary school and secondary school focused on several Global Citizenship Education (GCE) topics.
- The teacher’s journey: free online guide for teachers who want to know more about GCE and how to teach it in an effective way.
Teacher's Journey
Do you want to bring global citizenship education (GCE) and climate action into your classroom? Finding it difficult to get started? Our Teacher’s Journey covers some of the basic ideas in the topic.
If you need support in defining GCE, connecting it to your curriculum, approaching global justice issues or collaborating for climate action, we’ve got you covered! Articles, videos, and reflective worksheets support you to build your own knowledge, values and skills for action.
This self-guided reference can support any teacher to get involved in GCE. So start your journey today!
Student's Journey
Just Action resources help you to build students’ knowledge, sustainable attitudes and values with a journey for students based on classroom learning and whole-school action.
We have created two sets of resources, one for primary school (8-12 years old) and one for secondary (13-15 years old), so that activities are suited to the student’s age.
To access to resources, you need to register. Don’t worry! It is super-fast and free.
Zuhaitz Bilbao (Principal of Artxandape Ikastola, Bilbao, Spain)